Do you like your car insurance broker?

I mean, really, do you like him?

You don’t have to like him, you know? In fact, if you don’t like him, you could just fire him.

You’re Fired!

Let me tell you about a phone call that I just got…

A woman was irate and was venting about her car insurance broker. She just bought a new car and needed to change the car on her Aviva insurance policy. She wanted to pick up her new car this evening. She called her insurance broker and it went to a voice message that said that he’ll be out of the office for a few days. Wow! This woman just bought a new car and she couldn’t get it insured because her insurance broker was “out of the office.”

If only there was a way she could fire him and get a new insurance broker.

There is!

Letter of Authorization

You can easily transfer your existing car insurance policy to another broker. All that is required is for you to sign what’s called a “Letter of Authorization.” Then, the exact same policy will transfer over to your broker of choice. Nothing changes except for who services your policy.

I advised my caller that she can sign this and transfer the policy to us. We do everything for her. We draft the letter and send it to her for digital signatures. It’ll take her just a few seconds to sign the letter on her phone.

She agreed and she will transfer her car insurance policy to us. We will service her policy and she will get the best service in the industry. With us, you have the direct phone numbers of brokers that work with you. And, if we just happen to be out of the office, there will be other brokers available to help you out. We give personalized service, but we’re also a big brokerage so there will always be someone available to help you out in the rare times that you can’t reach us directly.

Hire Us!

If you want to fire your current broker and hire us, call us. Our phone number is at the top of this page.

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